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The Role of Emotional and Spiritual Healing in Animal Reiki Sessions

Posted on March 22, 2024

Welcome to my latest blog post, where I delve into the profound impact of emotional and spiritual healing in Animal Reiki sessions. At Free 2BU and Me, based in the Providence Areas, I specialize in holistic wellness, offering a range of services that cater to both humans and their beloved pets. Today, I want to share with you the transformative power of Reiki in fostering wellness and harmony in our furry friends.

Understanding Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive form of energy healing that originated from traditional Japanese Reiki. It's specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of animals, providing them with stress relief, relaxation, and a sense of balance. I offer these sessions either in the comfort of your home or through distance healing, ensuring that your pet receives the care and attention they deserve.

The Emotional Connection

Animals, much like humans, experience a range of emotions. They feel joy, sadness, anxiety, and fear. Through Animal Reiki, I aim to create a deep emotional connection with your pet, allowing them to feel safe and supported. This connection is crucial in helping them release any emotional blockages, leading to a more balanced and happy state of being.

Spiritual Healing and Its Significance

The spiritual aspect of Reiki is what sets it apart from other forms of healing. It's not just about physical well-being; it's about aligning the body, mind, and spirit. In my sessions, I focus on fostering a sense of spiritual harmony, which can be particularly beneficial for pets nearing the end of their life or undergoing significant changes.

Tailoring Sessions for Individual Needs

Every pet is unique, with their own set of needs and preferences. That's why I tailor each session to suit the individual animal. Whether it's a 20-minute "Awaken" session or a 90-minute "Rooted & Grounded" experience, I ensure that the session aligns with the specific requirements of your pet and you, the owner.

Incorporating Crystal Energy

In addition to Reiki, I incorporate the healing properties of crystals into each session. Crystals are known for their ability to amplify energy and provide additional support in the healing process. This combination of Reiki and crystal energy creates a powerful synergy that enhances the overall effectiveness of the session.

Progress Tracking

After each session, I send a recap within 48 hours to track your pet's progress. This recap helps you understand the changes and improvements in your pet's emotional and spiritual well-being, ensuring that you are fully informed about their healing journey.

Dog Walking: A Complementary Service

While my primary focus is on Reiki, I also offer dog walking services. This is a wonderful way to provide your furry friend with exercise and companionship, further supporting their overall wellness.

Tarot & Oracle Readings

In addition to animal Reiki, I offer Tarot & Oracle readings for those seeking guidance and insight into their own lives. These readings can be a great complement to Reiki sessions, providing clarity and direction on your spiritual path.

Pricing and Session Options

I believe in making holistic wellness accessible, which is why I offer a range of session options and pricing to fit different needs and budgets. From the 20-minute "Awaken" session to the 90-minute "Rooted & Grounded" experience, there's something for everyone.


At Free 2BU and Me, I am dedicated to providing holistic wellness solutions that cater to the emotional and spiritual needs of both pets and their owners. Through Animal Reiki, I strive to create a sense of balance, harmony, and well-being that resonates on a deeper level. If you're interested in exploring the benefits of Animal Reiki for your furry companion, please don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can embark on a journey of healing and transformation.

In closing, I invite you to consider the role of emotional and spiritual healing in your pet's life. With the gentle touch of Animal Reiki, combined with the power of crystal energy, we can unlock a new realm of wellness and harmony for our beloved animals. Thank you for joining me on this journey, reach out at (401) 261-6978 and I look fo rward to connecting with you and your furry friend soon.

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Reach out to me today to start your journey towards holistic well-being. 

Whether you're seeking Reiki sessions for yourself or your pet, or interested in my holistic wellness offerings, I'm here to support you every step of the way... In warmth and light, 

Your Spirtual Warrrior